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    Research Progress in the Application of Flow Theory Abroad
    Jiang Tingting,  Chen Peilong Xu Yanrun
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (5): 4-16.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.05.004
    Abstract2715)      PDF(pc) (1703KB)(3135)       Save
    Flow refers to the holistic sensation that people feel when they act with total involvement. Related research of flow mainly focuses on the fields of education, computer and business administration, and has not been widely used in information behavior research. This study conducted a systematic review on 78 empirical studies that applied the flow theory. According to the research framework, those empirical studies were divided into three categories: the antecedents that affect the flow experience, the flow consequences triggered by the flow experience, and the mediating effects of flow experience between the antecedents and consequences. Combined with Person-Artifact-Task (PAT) model, this study summarized the related studies and elaborated on the practical enlightenment that flow can bring to real life, actively considered possible breakthroughs in flow measurement methods, and provided a clear and systematic approach to the application of flow theory to information behavior research.
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    Users’ Information Behavior from the Perspective of Metaverse:Framework and Prospect
    Wu Jiang Cao Zhe Chen Pei He Chaocheng Ke Dan
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (1): 4-20.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.01.004
    Abstract1922)      PDF(pc) (3218KB)(2153)       Save
    The metaverse is a digital society of the ternary world, in which people participate in the integration of virtuality and reality with a digital identity. From the perspective of the metaverse, the virtual and reality have been deeply integrated. Accordingly, information has a richer production and representation form, and users have new demands and experiences. It is noted that there exist both similarities and differences in users’ information behaviors between the metaverse and traditional environments. Specifically, from the perspective of the metaverse, the research on users’ information behaviors can be based on the existing theories and combined with the characteristics of the new environment. It can be carried out from the three dimensions of the user, information, and technology to achieve more effective information resource management and user behavior understanding, so as to promote the application promotion and risk management of the metaverse.
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    A Review of Metaverse Research and Applications
    Star X.Zhao Qiao Lili Fred Y.Ye
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (4): 12-23,45.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.04.012
    Abstract1904)      PDF(pc) (934KB)(1789)       Save
    In review of the current situation and future of research and application of metaverse, this paper focus on four aspects: theoretical concepts, key technologies, application scenarios and policy governance. The academic community has now formed three major theoretical perspectives: parallel universe view, fusion universe view and evolutionary universe view, which converge three technological development paths of replicated reality, augmented reality and transcendental reality, respectively. The digital economics in business life, industrial production, culture and education, and urban society have produced a positive weather of blossoming. In terms of governance, this paper suggests that the development of metaverse in China should be built with "autonomous and controllable" industry, "virtual-reality interaction" direction and "inclusive and prudent" attitude. Finally, this paper presents three basic metaverse indicators, namely metaverse index, metaverse duration and metaverse population, to characterize the space, time and development of metaverse respectively.
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    Review on the Influencing Factors of Social Media Users’ Information Avoidance Behavior
    Dai Bao Yang Zeguo
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (2): 13-24.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.02.013
    Abstract1315)      PDF(pc) (2651KB)(1596)       Save
    This paper aims to uncover the influencing factors of social media users’ information avoidance behavior to provide convenience to scholars for future research, and it also provides theoretical guidance to relevant organizations for their practices of decreasing individuals’ information avoidance so as to improve the effectiveness of information communication. In order to find the main causes of social media users’ information avoidance behavior, the existing literature about ad avoidance, news avoidance, and other types of information avoidance were analyzed by using the systematical review approach. The results showed that social media users’ information avoidance was mainly impacted by the information-related factors (e.g., information quality, amount, and expression form), the user-related factors (e.g., cognition, affection, interests, attitudes, and behaviors), and situation factors (e.g., the characteristics of social media, and social influence of other users).
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    Recognizing Clinical Named Entity from Chinese Electronic Medical Record Texts Based on Semi-Supervised Deep Learning
    Jing Shenqi Zhao Youlin
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (6): 105-115.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.06.105
    Abstract1627)      PDF(pc) (3032KB)(1317)       Save
    The electronic medical record document records the entire process of patient diagnosis and treatment in detail. Medical knowledge is the most abundant in the electronic medical record. Therefore, it is of great value to explore the potential knowledge structure of the electronic medical record document. The primary task for knowledge mining of unstructured electronic medical records is named entity recognition. The existing named entity recognition methods in the medical field face the problems of low quality and insufficient annotation data. At the same time, the existing methods only consider the sequence characteristics of the text, and ignore the dependence between words and characters in the text, which limits the effect of named entity recognition. This paper proposes a medical named entity recognition method based on semisupervised deep learning, which combining the semiautomatic entity annotation method of Chinese encyclopedia with expert authority and the BERT-GCN-CRF framework to perform medical named entity recognition and extraction on electronic medical record text. Taking the real electronic medical record text as the experimental object, the accuracy, recall, and F1 value obtained by this model are significantly improved, and the comprehensive average of P, R and F1 are 84.6%, 84.0% and 84.2%, respectively. At the same time, the workload of manual labeling is significantly reduced. The new method is of great significance to the unstructured text mining of electronic medical records.
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    Criteria of Structural Equation Modeling: Comparisons and Enlightenments of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM
    Yuan Ye Shiau Wenlung Yu Yuan Wang Kanliang Li Yiran
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (3): 6-22.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.03.006
    Abstract2025)      PDF(pc) (2464KB)(1172)       Save
    Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyze the complex relationships between observed variables and latent variables. Covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) are the two types of SEM. SEM has been widely used in social science such as organizational management, information systems, marketing management and other disciplines. In recent years the number of research papers using PLS-SEM method has increased. Since CB-SEM and PLS-SEM are different in algorithm and requirements, the application of unsuitable methods may lead to inaccurate results. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the differences between the two methods and report guidelines. This paper reviews the conditions and application criteria of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM, and takes the use of fintech by wealth management enterprises as an example to compare the analysis process and results of the two methods, emphasizing the importance and necessity of choosing appropriate methods. This paper provides a valuable reference for researchers to use SEM for accurate data analysis.
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    Exploration on the Development Trend of Information Science in the Era of Data Intelligence Empowerment
    Lu Wei Yang Jinqing
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (2): 4-12.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.02.004
    Abstract1419)      PDF(pc) (4891KB)(1116)       Save
    In the age of digital intelligence, the comprehensive intervention of big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies has ushered in new opportunities for the development of information discipline. This paper first reveals the disciplinary characteristics of information science based on a review of the origins of the discipline, then analyzes the evolutionary path of information science research driven by data, and finally explores the development trend of information science by taking different periods of the disciplinary evolutionary path as a guide. The study found that information science started from scientific and technological information work, formed in the construction of information resources, grew in information management and services, developed in the expansion of information services, and has been constantly pioneering and innovating. The development of information science cannot be separated from the technology empowerment, especially the empowerment of big data + artificial intelligence and other information technology. This kind of empowerment will bring new growth points for the future development of information science.
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    The Main Practice and Basic Experience of Foreign Government Data Asset Management
    Xia Yikun Guan Qian
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (6): 18-30.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.06.018
    Abstract1565)      PDF(pc) (840KB)(912)       Save
    In the digital era, with the rapid expansion of government data volume and the updating of technological means, especially with the continuous promotion of big data strategy, open government data strategy, artificial intelligence strategy, and digital economy strategy, the important value of data as a strategic asset has become a global consensus. Focusing on the full realization of government data value and risk balance,this paper takes the strategies, policies and practical regulations of government data assets management in representative countries as the research object, then analyzes and summarizes its common characteristics and basic experience. That is, at the macro level, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive view of data assets and promote the overall layout of data asset management; at the meso level, the process management of data assets should be strengthened based on policies and schemes; at the micro level, the comprehensive application of technology, multiple partners, capabilities, and other elements should be used.
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    Research on the Path to Realize the Value of Data Elements
    Ma Feicheng Wu Yishu Lu Huizhi
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (2): 4-11.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.02.004
    Abstract958)      PDF(pc) (1011KB)(824)       Save
    Identifying the path to realize the value of data elements is of great significance to accelerate the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. In order to explore the mechanism and path of realizing the value of data elements, this study combs the existing ways and attributes of data elements, clarifies the mechanism of realizing the value of data elements on this basis, and constructs the value realization path including basic activities, auxiliary activities and value development based on the value chain theory. The research shows that the value realization mechanism of data elements includes subject participation mechanism, marketization realization mechanism, ownership definition and transfer mechanism. Data collection, data organization, data circulation and data utilization are the basic paths to realize the value of data elements, while the three auxiliary activities of data security protection, data technical support and data talent guarantee ensure the realization of value.
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    A Review for Information Behavior Research During the Time Period of the 13th Five-Year Plan in China
    Li Yuelin Zhang Jianwei Wang Shanshan Zhang Xiaotong Zhang Tairui Li Anyi
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (1): 21-33,45.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.01.021
    Abstract904)      PDF(pc) (3218KB)(824)       Save
    The study conducts a content analysis of 497 research papers on information behavior published during the time period of the 13th Five-Year Plan in China, aiming to reveal the features of the research and problem existed. The results indicate that the research is concerned with various user groups and has extended to different information use environments and involved more information types. Health information behavior has been a hot topic in the area; case studies are becoming a new approach to information behavior research; an interdisciplinary research approach has been an obvious feature of information behavior research. In addition, the study identifies the shortcomings and problems, including lack of examination of the problems emerging from the development of the society from the macro level, lack of foresighted and predictive research to support the development of new technologies, lack of theoretical basis and theoretical innovation, and lack of understanding of various research methods and their limitations. The paper is concluded by a discussion how to conduct information behavior research during the time period of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the future.
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    Value Co-Creation Theory and Its Application and Prospect in the Field of Information System Research
    Zhou Yusheng Yuan Qinjian
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (6): 17-26.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.06.017
    Abstract1125)      PDF(pc) (1205KB)(751)       Save
    To clarify the origin and development of value co-creation theory and its application progress in the field of information systems to provide insights for scholars who need to apply value co-creation theory in the field of information systems, this paper reviews and summarizes the application of value co-creation theory in the field of information systems, and summarizes the current research achievements, existing problems, and future research directions. The application of value co-creation theory in information system research mainly includes five aspects: information system design, information technology service innovation, consumers’ online participation in enterprise value co-creation, online information/knowledge sharing behavior, and online word-of-mouth and consumer purchase intention. In the meantime, there were still some undefined problems in the existing research, including “lack of research on the effect of cultural factors on value co-creation” and “lack of support from behavioral data”. Moreover, the future direction should pay more attention to the effect of cultural differences on value co-creation, consumers’ actual value co-creation behavior, and user value co-creation in different types of social platforms.
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    Research on the Construction of Risk Assessment and Decision-making Model of Major Public Health Emergency
    Liu Bing Xiao Gaofei Chao Shiyu
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (5): 17-26.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.05.017
    Abstract940)      PDF(pc) (1460KB)(742)       Save
    In order to establish a risk assessment and decision-making mechanism that adapts to the characteristics of different stages of the development and evolution of major public health emergencies, and play the collaborative and cooperative role of the participants and the decision support and driving role of information and knowledge, this paper constructs a dynamic and flexible risk assessment and decision-making model of major public health emergencies, which consists of four independent core levels : life cycle, risk assessment and decision-making, participants, information and knowledge, and the restricting factors and constraint conditions are the moderator variables. It provides a scientific and verifiable theoretical framework for the study of emergency management of major public health emergencies, and guides the risk assessment and decision-making practice under major public health emergencies.
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    Research on Influencing Factors and Associated Path of Mobile Social Media Fatigue Based on ISM-MICMAC
    Wan Zhen Zou Kai Zhang Yanfeng Liu Yali
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (1): 46-55.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.01.046
    Abstract850)      PDF(pc) (1777KB)(742)       Save
    By analyzing the influencing factors of mobile social media fatigue, it can provide management decision-making reference for related enterprises and service operators to face and prevent mobile social media fatigue crisis. From information ecosystem theory, combined with extracted elements in four aspects of information human factors, information factors, information environment factors and technical factors based on the interpretive structure model (ISM) and cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification (MICMAC), the influence factors of the social media fatigue are proposed, and the corresponding mechanism model is constructed, and then the corresponding management strategy is put forward. The results show that soulmate difficulty,social anxiety,fear of missing out and compulsive use, as independent group factors, have the deepest influence on users’ social media fatigue. At the same time, the survey results also show that once the factors of low attention change, the factors of emotional exhaustion, low interest and low sense of accomplishment will change correspondingly, and further affect the users’social media fatigue behavior in varying degrees.
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    Prediction of Microblogging Public Opinion Reversal in the Context of Hot Events
    An Lu Hui Qiuyue
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (3): 21-34.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.03.021
    Abstract587)      PDF(pc) (1506KB)(669)       Save
    The rapid broadcasting of hot events by new media makes the phenomenon of public opinion reversal occur from time to time. It is important to identify the influence factors of public opinion reversal, which can help predict the reversal of public opinion at the beginning of public events. Successful prediction of public opinion reversal can help emergency management departments predict and guide the development trend of public opinion in time. It also helps enhance the credibility of the media and maintain the healthy development of the online ecological environment. We crawled the hot microblog posts of the topics about 38 hot events on Sina Weibo from 2017 to 2020. Based on the previous research, we proposed the public opinion reversal prediction models that consisted of 30 features from four aspects of events, users, information, and dissemination. The XGBoost technique was used to calculate the importance of different features in the public opinion reversal prediction model. The Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost and Gaussian Naive Bayes techniques were used to construct the public opinion reversal prediction models. The models were trained and evaluated in the experiment to find out the optimal prediction model. The experimental result showed that the information balance, the type of the user who exposes the event, and the event type had the most significant impact on the prediction performance of the public opinion reversal model. The prediction models based on the Random Forest and XGBoost techniques achieved the best performance among all the five public opinion reversal models. Suggestions were also made on the discrimination and governance of public opinion reversal from three aspects, i.e., media, the public and social media platform.
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    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (6): 4-9.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.06.004
    Abstract783)      PDF(pc) (585KB)(654)       Save
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    Frames and Impact on Vaccine Hesitancy of COVID-19 Vaccine Information among Social Media:Content Analysis and Online Control Experiment Based on Sina Weibo
    Cui Jiayong Wang Xiling
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (3): 165-180.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.03.165
    Abstract970)      PDF(pc) (3562KB)(629)       Save
    It is important to understand how information of COVID-19 vaccine is organized among social media and how social media messages influence public vaccine hesitancy. Based on Prospect Theory and Framing Theory, this paper conducts a content analysis to analyze the organization of vaccine information in social media during the early period of COVID-19 vaccine promotion and explore the persuasion mechanism of vaccine information frames to ease vaccine hesitancy by online controlled experiment. This study found that: 1) nearly 20% of the weibo content about COVID-19 vaccine uses gain-loss frame, of which the gain frame is the majority. Individualism and collectivism values account for half respectively, and about 50% contain narrative elements; 2) the gain-loss frame and narrative elements may affect the comment intention of users; 3) the loss frame, individualism values and narrative elements in vaccine advocacy content help to alleviate one’s vaccine hesitancy, and there is an interactive effect between goal frame and justice perspective. The results revealed the mechanism of social media information on vaccination attitudes in the early stage of COVID-19 vaccination, providing enlightenment for the government and media in health promotion during the pandemic.
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    Research on Influencing Factors of Privacy Fatigue of Mobile Social Media Users:Analysis based on Grounded Theory and Interpretative Structural Model
    Tian Xinluan Han Yuxin Zhang Xiaojuan,
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (5): 103-113.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.05.103
    Abstract1018)      PDF(pc) (1942KB)(605)       Save
    Privacy fatigue has become a characteristic of the times that cannot be ignored by modern mobile social media users. This study constructs the influencing factor model of privacy fatigue from empirical data and further combs the relationship between factors to reveal the generation mechanism of user privacy fatigue. By adopting the grounded theory research method, this study collects data through in-depth interviews with 18 social media users, combs and summarizes the influencing factors of privacy fatigue through the stages of principal axis coding, selective coding, and theoretical saturation test, and uses the interpretative structural model method to analyze the internal relationship between various factors. The results show that perceived cost is the direct factor affecting user privacy fatigue, self-efficacy and perceived trust are the root factors, and perceived control and self-cognitive bias play a vital role in the formation of user privacy fatigue. On the basis of summarizing the influencing factors of social media users' privacy fatigue, this paper further combs the relationship between the factors, which not only provides a theoretical reference for understanding the influencing mechanism of users’privacy fatigue but also provides a new research perspective for the prediction of users’privacy behavior in the future.
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    A Review of Secondary Analysis in Information Management and Information Systems Research in China: Research Methods,Topics, and Theory Applications
    Chen Liping Ren Fei
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (3): 61-78.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.03.061
    Abstract477)      PDF(pc) (1792KB)(582)       Save
    This study conducts a content analysis of 282 Chinese research papers published from 2012 to 2022 that use secondary analysis in the area of information management and information systems (IM&IS), aiming to reveal the distribution and trend of research methods, topics, and theory applications. The results show that the advantages of secondary analysis in data acquisition and causality identification are increasingly prominent, as reflected in the gradual diversity of data sources, rigorous empirical analysis on causality testing, richer mechanism analyses, and the emergence of mixed-method research. Four research topic trends have been identified, including macro digital development, enterprise digital transformation, information interaction between enterprise and market, and user online behavior. However, IM&IS theory development and the application of Chinese theories require further improvement. This study is novel in that it combines bibliometric analysis with machine learning methods (LDA and DTM) to reveal a multi-dimensional overview of the secondary analysis in IM&IS in China. The findings provide evidence and guidelines for further strengthening research norms, grasping research topic trends, developing and applying theories, as well as suggestions for disciplinary development and strategic research planning.
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    Research on the Influencing Factors of Information Avoidance Behavior of College Students as Social Media Users in Public Health Emergencies
    Wen Xinyue Cheng Huiping
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (2): 25-38.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.02.025
    Abstract753)      PDF(pc) (1249KB)(569)       Save
    To explore the influencing factors and mechanism of social media users’ information avoidance behavior in public health emergency, is great for providing reference path for better meeting users’ information needs and optimizing social media information environment. Taking the epidemic situation of COVID-19 as an example, college students with rich experience in using social media were selected as the research samples, and the data were obtained through in-depth interviews. Using the qualitative research method of grounded theory, this paper extracts concepts and categories, and constructs the influencing factors model of social media users’ information avoidance behavior under public health emergencies. In public health emergency, information overload and environmental factors indirectly affect social media users’ information avoidance behavior by stimulating users’ emotion, cognitive structure and risk perception; cognitive structure and risk perception directly affect social media users’ information avoidance behavior, and also stimulate users’ emotion; high wake-up emotion and low wake-up emotion in emotional factors can lead to different types of information avoidance behavior of social media users. Strong-ties social media and weak-ties social media have moderating effect in the impact of information overload on users’ emotion, cognitive structure and risk perception.
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    The Framework, Implementation Path, and Challenges on Information Management of Supply Chain Empowered by Blockchain from the Perspective of Complex Sociotechnical Systems
    Zou Liuxin Wu Jiang Xia Mengchen
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (1): 91-102.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.01.091
    Abstract517)      PDF(pc) (6056KB)(567)       Save
    The combination of blockchain technology and supply chain information management is a trend in the development of digital supply chains, which attracts wide attention from many fields. This paper conducts thematic evolution analysis and clustering analysis on the scientific literature of blockchain-based supply chain information management in Web of Science. It proposes a research framework and analyzes the supply chain information management empowered by digital intelligence through blockchain technology from the perspective of complex sociotechnical systems. Through knowledge sharing, information traceability, and trust establishment, blockchain technology interlaces and verifies material circulation, commercial circulation, information circulation, capital circulation, and information at all levels of the technical system. Information management empowers the security and visualization of logistics, the transparency and traceability of commercial circulation, the sharing and immutability of information circulation, and the credibility and anonymity of capital circulation. Finally, this paper analyzes the supply chain information management practices based on blockchain technology from the management challenge and the application industry, and prospects for future research directions. It explores the transformation of information management enabled by blockchain technology from the level of technical and social systems, where thinking about information management from the perspective of complex sociotechnical systems inspires the development and digital construction of supply chains.
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    An Empirical Study on the Influence of Socio-technical Factors on Short Video Addiction: The Moderating Effect of Recommendation Algorithms
    Xie Xinzhou Du Yan
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (1): 65-77.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.01.065
    Abstract434)      PDF(pc) (1232KB)(558)       Save
    Based on a socio-technical perspective, this study examined the influence of social and technological factors on short video addiction through an online questionnaire survey. The findings reveal that personalization, responsiveness, active user control, and parasocial relationships can predict short video addiction. At the same time, user’s use of algorithms moderate the relationships between various factors and addiction. It will aggravate addiction by strengthening the influence of susceptibility factors and weakening the constraint of inhibitory factors. This study emphasizes the importance of the socio-technical interaction and algorithmic context on short video addiction, which enriches theoretical models and empirical studies of short video addiction. The results provide important practical implications for improving the effectiveness of anti-addiction through the synergistic optimization of social and technological systems.
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    The Evolution and Classification of Data Monopoly:Based on Domestic Public Data and Commercial Data
    Deng Song Lyu Yuting Yang Di
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (1): 80-90.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.01.080
    Abstract700)      PDF(pc) (4891KB)(541)       Save
    The rapid development of the digital economy and big data has caused an explosive growth in the amount of data in society. At the same time, data monopoly has become an important issue affecting the healthy development of the economy and society. Through literature analysis, model construction and case analysis, starting from the classification of data monopoly, the impact of data monopoly and its response are analyzed. The following conclusions are drawn: Firstly, it defines data monopoly separately from public data and commercial data, and divides data monopoly into four types: public data development type, public data monopoly type, commercial data development type and commercial data monopoly type; Secondly, the impact of data monopoly on the economy and society can be divided into two aspects: positive and negative. Different types of impacts are different. The policy measures that should be adopted are focused on strengthening data disclosure and sharing, establishing a data right confirmation mechanism, maintaining normal market competition, and afterwards supervision shifting to ex-ante supervision; Thirdly, based on the degree of data collection and marketization, a theoretical model of data monopoly classification is constructed.
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    The Development and Operation of Data Production Factors Market
    Ma Feicheng Lu Huizhi Wu Yishu
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (5): 4-13.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.05.004
    Abstract708)      PDF(pc) (718KB)(534)       Save
    As the digital economy has become an important driving force for the economic growth of China, cultivating data production factors market is an inevitable requirement for further economic development. The development of digital economy and digital industry provides the basic conditions for the expansion of the data element market, but the data element market of China is still in the initial stage of development. In this paper, we review the concept and development status of the data element market. Based on key influencing factors such as data ownership, data classification, data security, and open sharing, we analyze the current difficulties and challenges of the development of the data element market. The operating mode and mechanism of the data element market are systematically discussed. We put forward advice on the development path of the data element market, which provides useful thinking for guiding the high-quality development of the data element market.
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    Open Source Intelligence Acquisition and Utilization Methods for New Types of Cross-border Organized Cybercrime
    Bai Yun Li Baiyang Wang Shiyun
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (2): 65-75.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.02.065
    Abstract692)      PDF(pc) (4835KB)(527)       Save
    With the emergence of the network and cross-border characteristics of organized crime, the use of open source intelligence to conduct cybercrime big data association analysis based on knowledge graphs and criminal identification based on social network analysis can effectively combat criminal acts and minimize the living space of criminals. Taking "Cross-border Telecom Fraud Criminal Governance" as an example, use open-source data to construct a knowledge graph of cross-border telecom fraud events and a network of stakeholders in each event to identify the core figures of criminal groups and potential criminals. Most cybercrimes commit crimes in the form of criminal gangs or groups. In order to avoid supervision and combat, criminals gradually transfer criminal dens and communication tools abroad, and purposefully implement cross-border networks against Chinese citizens crime. Graphing cases, incidents, etc., and building large-scale knowledge nodes and relationship links, can effectively discover hidden personnel, funds, technology, information flows, etc., and help the public security department to adopt precise combat methods to curb criminal behavior.
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    Data and Algorithm Security Governance in the United States: Approaches, Characteristics and Enlightenments
    Ma Haiqun Cai Qingping Cui Wenbo Zhang Tao
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (1): 52-64.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.01.052
    Abstract673)      PDF(pc) (1298KB)(514)       Save
    The new technological revolution and industrial transformation will reshape the global economy.Data and algorithms become an important driver of the new technological revolution, which also gives rise to a series of security risks. The United States has long attached great importance to data and algorithm security governance, and the study of data and algorithm security governance characteristics in the United States can play an important role in establishing and improving data and algorithm security governance mechanisms and systems in China. Starting from two dimensions of federal government, state and local government governance systems and institutions, it systematically sorts out the systems and institutional powers and responsibilities related to data and algorithm security in the United States, in order to realize the governance approach of data and algorithm security in the United States, and summarize its governance characteristics from two aspects of governance system and governance institution. Finally, four recommendations are made in the light of the current situation of governance in China: to build a "sub-field, refined, multi-level" personal privacy data security regulatory system; to build a "hardlaw for coordination" data and algorithm security governance mechanism; to establish an AI ethics code with " International discourse power"; to establish a "hierarchical, multi-party governancing" collaborative governance institution.
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    Computational Analysis of Public Opinion Evolution of Short Video in Emergencies
    Chen Jinghao Wang Youfeng Nie Huizi
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2022, 12 (3): 152-164,180.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2022.03.152
    Abstract623)      PDF(pc) (11879KB)(514)       Save
    In emergencies, the public has become accustomed to using short video platforms to publish crisis short videos, track crisis situations, and express emotions. This has brought great challenges to public opinion research, especially when faced with massive and high-frequency short video public opinion data, quickly grasping its evolutionary law is very important, which can provide support for emergency decision-making. Based on this, this paper proposes a short video public opinion evolution analysis framework for emergencies. It includes functions such as short video collection, compression, life cycle division, account type statistics, video classification, emotional tendency calculation, and topic mining. By using the case data of "Zhengzhou 7.20 Heavy Rain", this paper verifies the framework and finds that it can well complete the analysis task.
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    A Threat Assessment Model of Money Laundering Based on Intelligence-led Policing
    Chen Liang
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2021, 11 (5): 27-37.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2021.05.027
    Abstract564)      PDF(pc) (1018KB)(513)       Save
    Money laundering has a high incidence in the world. In order to effectively combat and contain money laundering, we can carry out threat assessment against money laundering gangs, so as to determine key targets of fighting crimes and reasonably allocate police resources. This method originates from the theory of intelligence-led policing. Through Delphi and Pearson correlation coefficient, the author selects 13 indicators such as concealment ability, degree of specialization, connection with upstream criminal gangs, intelligence ability, etc. to profile money laundering gangs, and further evaluates the harmfulness of money laundering with its upstream crimes, thus forming a comprehensive evaluation model to measure the threat of these crimes. This model can help the police clarify the organizational structure and operation mode of money laundering and related criminal gangs, find their vulnerability and finally optimize the strategic decision-making of anti-money laundering intelligence investigation.
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    Human-chatbot Interaction vs. Human-human Interaction: Effects of Service Agent Perception and Two-sided Arguments in Conversational Commerce
    Li Mengxin Yi Cheng
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (3): 140-153.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.03.140
    Abstract571)      PDF(pc) (1820KB)(498)       Save
    The fact that conversational commerce has been one of the most favorable ways for companies to reach customers has generated an increasing number of use cases for chatbots. Making a comparison between human-chatbot communication and human-human communication can shed light on the behavioral rules which determine how humans interact with intelligent agents and provide design and application guidelines for chatbots. This study compares human-chatbot conversation with human-human conversation in the context of online customer service to figure out whether two-sided arguments have different effects on users’ purchase intentions and experiences. A laboratory experiment is conducted with a 2 (user’s perception of the customer service agent: chatbot vs. human) 2 (conversation design: two-sided argument vs. one-sided argument). The experiment applies Wizard of Oz method, with humans performing service tasks while giving the impression to that users they are chatting with chatbots. The results show that in human-human communication, two-sided arguments have a negative impact on users’ purchase intention for the product, while in human-chatbot communication, the effect is non-significant. When users believe they are interacting with a chatbot, the positive effects of two-sided arguments on user perceptions of source credibility and pleasure are amplified.
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    Data and Algorithm Security Governance in the European Union: Characteristics and Implications
    Cui Wenbo Zhang Tao Ma Haiqun Cai Qingping
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (2): 30-41.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.02.030
    Abstract478)      PDF(pc) (4166KB)(486)       Save
    Research on the structure and characteristics of data and algorithm security governance in typical global regions will provide a reference for data and algorithm security governance in China. The paper takes data and algorithm security as the governance object to investigate EU’s realization of the governance goal on digital sovereignty and technological sovereignty. In terms of governance content, the framework of the EU data and algorithm security governance with the core of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) consists of four parts: privacy and data protection, data flow security, platform algorithm security, and artificial intelligence ethics. In terms of governance subjects, with the European Data Protection Regulatory Authority and other institutions as the core, a multi-party collaborative governance subject integrating "legislation-enforcement-service" is formed. The EU data and algorithm security governance has the typical characteristics of emphasizing personal privacy data security, establishing cross-border data flow security rules, forming a collaborative security governance model for algorithm nested data, and a human-centered AI ethics and governance. Based on the characteristics of data and algorithm security governance in the European Union, three suggestions are proposed for the current situation of data and algorithm security governance in China: to improve the collaborative governance mechanism of data and algorithm security, to establish a data flow system between subjects and an evaluation mechanism for intermediary agencies, as well as a balance mechanism between AI ethical supervision and innovative development.
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    Research on the Formation Mechanism of Social Media Group Polarization under Hot Events
    Peng Guochao Cheng Xiao
    Journal of Information Resources Management    2023, 13 (2): 42-52.   DOI: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.02.042
    Abstract733)      PDF(pc) (1084KB)(475)       Save
    By exploring the mechanism of generating social media group polarization, this study aims to provide a reference for guiding and avoiding social media group polarization. Based on the social burning theory, this study uses existing literature and selected cases to refine six explanations, including interest oppeals, news narrative framework, opinion leaders, initial media, issue types, and communication forms, and uses the clear-set qualitative comparative analysis to explore the generative path of social media group polarization. The study found that news narrative framework is a necessary condition for social media group polarization, and opinion leaders are the core condition for social media group polarization, which act as "accelerators" to jointly promote the generation of group polarization; As the "ignition temperature", the issule type has a moderating effect on the generation of social media group polarization; Hot events in the form of pictures and texts are more likely to cause group polarization on social media.
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