About Journal

  • Journal of Information Resources Management (JIRM, ISSN 2095-2171, CN 42-1812/G2) is administrated by the Ministry of Education, China, sponsored by Wuhan University, and launched by the School of Information Management and the Center for Information Resources Studies at Wuhan University. As the first academic journal named after a discipline in the field of information resources management, the JIRM mainly involves the theories, methods, and techniques in the process of information resources management.

    Since its inception in 2011, the impact factor of the JIRM has maintained a steady increase. Currently, it is a top 20 journal among more than 40 journals and a source journal in the Chinese Social Science Citation Index(CSSCI) since 2019. It is one of the core journals of Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences, and also one of the important source journals for Replicated Journal of RUC.

    The JIRM focuses on the theoretical and technological research in the field of information resource management, and emphasizes the studies on the management and organization of information resources.

  • 2020-04-18 Visited: 14653