1.School of New Media, Peking University, Beijing,100871;
2.Internet Development Research Institution, Peking University, Beijing, 100871;
3.School of Information Management,Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 430079;
4.Center for Studies of Human-Computer Interaction and User Behavior, Wuhan University, 430072
About author:Xu Hao, Ph.D., lecturer, research interests include information behavior, HCI; Cheng Qingxuan, Ph.D. candidate, research interests include new media and intelligent communication; Dong Jing, Ph.D., lecturer, research interests include information seeking behavior, HCI; Wu Dan, Ph.D., professor, research interests include information retrieval technology, user information behavior, HCI; Tian Li(corresponding author), Ph.D., associate professor, research interests include new media and network communication, Email: tl12@pku.edu.cn.
Supported by:
This is an outcome of the Major Research Plan Cultivation Project "Research on Interpretable Intelligent DecisionMaking Methods Driven by Both Data and Knowledge from the Perspective of Human-Computer Interaction"(92370112) supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Innovation Group Project "Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Innovative Applications"(2023AFA012) supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province.
Xu Hao Cheng Qingxuan Dong Jing Wu Dan Tian Li. Generation AI in Human-AI Interaction: Origins, Characteristics and Future Prospects[J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2025, 15(1): 13-20.