Journal of Information Resources Management ›› 2012, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1): 50-58.
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Liu Qiyuan Ye Ying
A bibliographic information analysis software named SATI (Statistical Analysis Toolkit for Informetrics) is developed using C# based on Microsoft .NET platform. The national data fitting EndNote, NoteExpress and NoteFirst can be imported into SATI as well as international data as HTML (output from WoS). For the purpose of getting the clustering graph, multidimensional scaling map, network knowledge map, and strategic diagram, four basic functions including transforming raw data into XML, extracting selected elements, counting terms frequency and building knowledge units matrices have been implemented. Taking 17440 articles published in ten core Library and Information Science journals both at home and abroad during 2006 to 2010 as the sample, this paper revealed three potential research fields of LIS research area based on the consistency between clustering analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis results, and figured out relations and features of subject areas by interpreting the network knowledge map and strategic diagram.
Key words: SATI, Co-word analysis, Cluster analysis, Multidimensional, scaling analysis, Knowledge mapping, Strategic diagram
CLC Number:
Liu Qiyuan Ye Ying. A Study on Mining Bibliographic Records by Designed Software SATI:Case Study on Library and Information Science[J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2012, 2(1): 50-58.
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