Journal of Information Resources Management ›› 2014, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 90-94.doi: 10.13365/j.jirm.2014.04.090
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Hu Jiming Hu Changping
In the process of integrated teaching reforming of classroom teaching and practical teaching, professional knowledge-transference and students’ ability training should be emphasized. Knowledge community constructed by universities provides a platform for students’ learning and interactive innovation, playing an important role in the depth of professional knowledge and expansion of practical teaching. Based on the interactive innovation platform constructed by knowledge community in library of Wuhan University, this paper discusses the application of knowledge community in practical teaching. And then, the practicing knowledge community platform construction from the perspective of collocation and innovation is proposed in order to enlighten students’ innovative thinking and promote the developing of students’ dominant role.
Key words: Practical teaching, Knowledge community, Collaboration and innovation, Information management education, Teaching reform, Interactive learning
CLC Number:
Hu Jiming Hu Changping. Application of Knowledge Community Oriented to Collaboration and Innovation in Practical Teaching[J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2014, 4(4): 90-94.
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