Journal of Information Resources Management ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 17-23.doi: 10.13365/j.jirm.2016.01.017
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Zhao Rongying Guo Fengjiao
By the quantitative analysis of PhD thesis in the field of data mining in China, this paper reveals the status quo of data mining in the view of times, topics, disciplines and research institutions. Results of the analysis show that: research of data mining in China is relatively mature and becoming more delicate; the research focus can be divided into two categories: the study of widely used techniques and methods, and the study of its application; data mining involves many disciplines, which have common topics and featured topics; research institutions in the field of data mining are primarily comprehensive, science and engineering and medical universities, and potential cooperative teams have basically been formed at present; in addition to the pharmaceutical research institutions, theme characteristic of other types of research institutions is not clear.
Key words: Data mining, Time, Topics, Disciplines, Institutions, PhD thesis
CLC Number:
Zhao Rongying Guo Fengjiao. Analysis of Data Mining Research Status in China based on PhD Thesis[J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2016, 6(1): 17-23.
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