Journal of Information Resources Management ›› 2023, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (6): 133-143,155.doi: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.06.133
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Liu Wei Chen Jinbo
Abstract: In this study, knowledge capture, immediate learning performance and continuous learning performance are used as indicators of learning effect at different phases. The relationship between search and learning is studied via questionnaire, mind map and video data collected from participants based on three health-related information tasks at various cognitive levels. It is found that: ①Health information literacy significantly improves knowledge capture, but prior knowledge has a negative moderating effect; ②Task complexity has a strong negative effect on immediate learning performance, and prior knowledge has a masking effect; ③Task complexity and knowledge capture have a significant negative effect on the continuous learning performance. The relationship between health information literacy and continuous learning performance are changed by the knowledge capture which is a full mediation variable. This study finds that learning-related search has a distinct impact in different phases of the learning chain, which is helpful to further understand information utilization and learning process.
Key words: Search as learning (SAL), Knowledge capture, Health information literacy, Learning-related search, Knowledge state change
CLC Number:
Liu Wei Chen Jinbo. Identifying the Influencial Factors of Knowledge Capture and Learning Performance in Learning-Related Search: A Perspective of SAL[J]. Journal of Information Resources Management, 2023, 13(6): 133-143,155.
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