Journal of Information Resources Management ›› 2023, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 122-139.doi: 10.13365/j.jirm.2023.04.122

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Avoiding Search Disorientation: A Study on the Cognitive Orientation Function of Note-Taking in the Complex and Exploratory Search

Meng Gaohui Liu Chang   

  1. Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing, 100871
  • Online:2023-07-26 Published:2023-08-02

Abstract: Based on an ideal research context of complex and exploratory search task, this paper explores whether note-taking can play the cognitive orientation function and identifies the functional differences between different note-taking strategies to find more possibilities for note-taking to support the use’s search process. We collected data through user experimentation. In the data analysis stage, we first developed the Subjective Evaluation Scale for the Performance in the Complex and Exploratory Search Process through item analysis, factor analysis, and reliability and validity test, and then used descriptive statistics and paired sample difference test to explore the effect of note-taking on the participants' search process. The results show that note-taking can serve the cognitive orientation function during the search process. The cognitive navigation function is mainly reflected in user’s performance on coping with search disorientation during the search process, performance on monitoring during the search process, and performance on proceeding in order during the search process. In addition, compared with outline notes, matrix notes can contribute more to cognitive orientation. These conclusions can inspire the information retrieve system to improve its note-taking service to better support complex or exploratory search context.

Key words: Note-taking, Exploratory search, Complex search, Cognitive orientation function, Search disorientation, Scale development

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