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        The first China Fair Use Week successfully held in Beijing City on 19-20 May 2016.
        In response to the national development philosophy "Innovation, openness, sharing, collaboration, green" from Government and following the administrative way of“strengthen the protection and use of intellectual property rights and look to the law to crack down” that in the Government work report5-year plan presented on the 12th National People's Congress, the 2016 ChinaFair Use Weekwith its theme “Copyright issues in information services”was collaboratively held byLibrary of Chinese Academy of Sciences(LCAS) and Peking University Library, and organized by the science information policy center of LCAS. More than 100 individual participatedtheseminar in two days, in the ways of public lectures and roundtable forums, the interactive discussion between researchers, librarians and publishers and publics worked out well.
        Ms. Gong Huiling,Curator Assistant of LCAS, is the moderator on 19 May. In opening speech, she highlighted that fair use system would to promote the dissemination and the use of information, and would to forwardimplementing China's national strategy of intellectual property.Mr. Chen Ling, the Deputy Director of Peking University Library, in the opening speech on 20 May, pointed out that libraries and publishing group have the same mission of sharing knowledgeinformation and the fair use system would to balance them, the China Fair Use Week would be meaningful for improving the health environment of fair use system in our country, and this seminar may be in more occasions and be bigger in future.

        The first issue is that copyright law and information services. Dr.Luo Jiao, the Intellectual Property Specialistof LCAS,presented the basic knowledge of copyright law in this seminar, and to discussed several information services forefrontissues with the participants, like document delivery , interlibrary loan , preservation, TDM, massive digitization, orphan works, etc..
        The second issue is that limitations and exceptions for library. Dr. Huang Guobin, the senior associate professor of Beijing Normal University, introduced the fundamental theory of copyright limitations and exceptions applicable to libraries, including (1) definition and scope of copyright limitations and exceptions applicable to libraries;(2) framework of copyright limitations and exceptions applicable to libraries; (3) main types and regulations on copyright limitations and exceptions applicable to libraries from some countries;and (4) trends of copyright limitations and exceptions applicable to libraries in the world.
        The third issue is that open licenses, Miss Zhao Kunhua, the open access specialist of LCAS, make a speakto introducethe relationship between the open access licenses and copyright law, summarized the common kinds of open access licenses,analyzed essential factors of copyright, and summed up problems of applications of open access licenses in China.
        The fourth issue isthat data rights: beyond open access boundary, Dr. Ku Liping, Professor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS),pointed out that open access were supporting people accessing knowledge and information freely, no restriction and non-discriminately, but it had two limitation: one was the use by reading not equal the reuse by machine-readable technology application such as text and data mining , and the other werenational security, commercial and privacy. Data rights would be a framework balancing rights and interest from each stakeholder, interest group and public, and would to forward the implementation of national open data policies, as well as the welfare of the people.
        In the roundtable forumsession, on 19 May participants discussed the influence of fair use system on legislation and conduct codes, the practices of both document delivery and interlibrary loan in the fair use context, the notices of expending the TDM etc. On 20 May, participants discussed the copyright issues or information reprint, the property rights of digital content resources, the content licenses of institutional repository etc.
        As the moderator on 20 May, Ms. Yao Xiaoxia, the Secretary-General of China AcademicLibrary& Information System (CALIS) and theCurator Assistant of Peking University, given the sum up that this seminar are in various forms, has rich content and discuss lively, even today is the last day of “China fair use week" today but the depth-discovery is beginning.

                                                                             (Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, on May 19)

                                                                                                           (Peking University Library, on May20)

        Acknowledgement: the 2016 China fair use week had been promoted by National Science and Technology Library (NSTL), China Academic Library & Information System(CALIS), Library Society of China(LSC), the Branch of Special Libraries of LSC, the Society for Academic Library of LSC, the Hospital library Association of LSC, STM Journals Society of CAS, and Chinese Institutional Repository implementation Group (CIRG). 


        Notify:There are four events each year that we research, consult and service on the scientific and technological information policies, two of them are success and those materials can be downloaded.
        ☆Chinese Data Librarian Workshop (
        ☆China Fair Use Week (

        The coming soon activities are:
        ☆4th Chinese Institutional Repository Conference (2016 September 21-22, Chongqing City)
        ☆5th China Open Access Week (2016 October 17-18, Beijing City)

        Welcome to visit and guidance.

                                                                                                                     (Reporters:Luo Jiao, Ku Liping) 

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